What To Do In A Plumbing Emergency

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Nobody enjoys standing in a puddle of water while cleaning the kitchen or having no running water to make coffee in the office. When a plumbing emergency hits your home or business, Quality Plumbing of Gainesville Inc. has the experience and training needed to make the emergency an afterthought.

Residential Plumbing Emergencies

With intricate plumbing systems running throughout our homes, it’s no surprise that occasionally an issue arises that a plunger can’t fix. These are five of the most common residential plumbing emergencies Quality Plumbing of Gainesville Inc. sees.

Clogged Sinks, Drains, Bathtubs, Toilets

Slow drains are annoying but can be a sign of needing a plumbing repair in Gainesville. Bathtub and shower drain clogs are often caused by soap scum and hair buildup. If untreated, these clogs can need a plumber’s help. A clogged toilet can eventually leak, causing water damage and sewage backups into your home.

Leaking Faucets, Water Heaters, Hoses

Usually a leak doesn’t need an emergency plumber until after it has gone unnoticed for some time and caused damage. But a leaking water heater can quickly rust and require the full unit be replaced.

Broken Water Lines

Though rare, a broken water line is usually caused by growing tree roots, natural disasters such as earthquakes, and construction. Since they’re commonly located underground, broken water lines can be leaking water for days before the ground above becomes saturated and soggy, indicating an issue. A more immediate sign is low or no water pressure to the home.

Sewer Backups

The mess caused by a sewer backup more often than not requires a phone call for 24-hour plumbing repairs. If you find your home has gurgling toilets, sewage odors emanating from drains, and multiple clogged drains, you could be headed for a sewer backup.

Low Water Pressure or No Water

If you suddenly have low or no water pressure, a broken water line is likely the culprit, especially if water is lacking throughout the house. But a fixture-specific, low-water or no-water situation can indicate a clog in the faucet, spigot, or showerhead.

Commercial Plumbing Emergencies

Commercial plumbing emergencies are often similar to residential but on a larger scale. From the building being larger to the number of people who are in and out of a business each day, even the smallest plumbing issue can seem like an emergency. Our 24/7 plumbers mean your business won’t be closed for days while you wait for repairs. Quality Plumbing of Gainesville Inc. is experienced and trained in every commercial plumbing emergency, meaning your commercial plumbing emergency will quickly be behind you.

Plumbing Emergency Tips

Whether you’re at home or the office, here are four tips to put into action when a plumbing emergency occurs.

Turn Off The Water

When you find a plumbing emergency, turning off the closest water source is the first step. The main valve in the home or business should be shut off in cases of flooding and larger emergencies.

Stop The Small Leaks First

Though they can be hard to identify, small leaks can be stopped with things from around your home or business. Rags or towels can be stuffed in and around pipes, while a bucket underneath a leak can stave off potential water damage. When you call for Gainesville plumbing repairs, let the plumber know of the small leaks you’ve already stopped.

Open Drains & Spigots Outside The Home Or Business

Water left in the pipes, even after turning off the main water source, will be moved away from your home or business. Moving the remaining water away can mitigate further damage to the home or business.

Call Quality Plumbing of Gainesville Inc.

The sooner you give us a call, the sooner we can begin fixing any damage that has been done. Our trained technicians can also tell you if your plumbing emergency is a situation that requires evacuation.

Emergency Plumbing Safety Tips

When a plumbing emergency happens, the first thing to keep in mind is safety.

Water Leaks

Water leaks crop up as plumbing wears out in a home or business, including near electrical outlets. If possible, turn off electricity to the affected outlet, or if the leak is more widespread, turn off electricity throughout the area.

Water Heater Leaks

For a leaking water heater, first turn off power to the unit. A gas water heater will have a black knob on top of the gas control valve. Power to electric water heaters can be shut off by flipping the breaker switch to off. Next, you’ll want to turn off the water supply to the water heater.

Breaker or Electrical Wiring Emergencies

While you may not think of electrical during an emergency plumbing situation, turning off the power as soon as you find an issue can reduce the risk of electrical shock. Wiring exposed to moisture, whether a few drops or a steady stream, can short and possibly cause a fire, creating another emergency in itself.

How to Avoid Plumbing Emergencies

It might not seem possible to avoid an emergency, given its sudden nature, but for plumbing there are several steps you can take ahead of time to stave off an emergency.

Know Where The Water Valves Are

It might sound obvious, but when you don’t have to use the water shutoff valves except once in a blue moon, you’ll probably forget where they are. Take a walk through your home or business once in awhile to reacquaint yourself with their locations. After you’ve found them, check they’re working properly by turning them on and off several times. If you find corrosion around shutoff valves, Quality Plumbing of Gainesville Inc. technicians will be able to tell you if they need replaced to prevent leaking.

Drains Are Not Trash Disposals

Drain screens with a fine mesh can stop hair, food particles, and more from being flushed into the plumbing and avoid a future emergency plumbing call for us. Grease should never be dumped down the drain as it hardens when it cools. Speaking of disposals, be mindful of the types of food you run through a garbage disposal. Celery, coffee grounds, and pasta are three of the worst foods you can put down a garbage disposal. Celery’s stringy fibers can wrap in the blades and jam the disposal, while pasta, even after cooking, continues to expand when exposed to water. The grounds from your morning cup of joe can build up and create a sludge in the drain pipe.

Give The Pipes A Break

If your home or business suffers from hard water, using water softener can remove the buildup of minerals and chemicals it causes. Left untreated, the buildup can weaken and clog your plumbing. Also, high water pressure may feel great in the shower, but it doesn’t for pipes and plumbing. Consider a pressure reducer before the stress causes a leak.

Let Quality Plumbing of Gainesville Inc. Maintain Your Plumbing

When it comes to plumbing emergencies in Gainesville, FL, sometimes there is no avoiding an emergency. But one of the best ways to do so is through regular plumbing maintenance provided by Quality Plumbing of Gainesville Inc. We have 24-hour professional drain cleaning for your home or business using high-pressure water jets and video camera pipe inspection to check for any potential issues.